
Over the years, the Jubilee Centre has hosted various webinar and seminar series. See below to explore the upcoming and historic events.

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Recent Webinars:

The Flourishing Student Webinar

International Webinar Series 2 2024/25

In recent years, many universities have expressed their commitment to a holistic, socially-engaged vision of higher education and are increasingly supporting students to develop character and attributes. These are the qualities necessary for students to navigate the fourth industrial revolution, flourish, and make a positive contribution to society.

Following on from the first webinar series, six more world-renowned universities and institutions recognised for their focus on character education share their knowledge and expertise. The international webinar series featured presentations on the role of universities in helping their students to cultivate the character and attributes required for human flourishing.

Series 2 Programme

25th September ’24 [3-4pm BST] 
The Human Flourishing Program, Harvard University, USA

Tyler J. VanderWeele, Ph.D., John L. Loeb and Frances Lehman Loeb Professor of Epidemiology in the Departments of Epidemiology and Biostatistics at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, and Director of the Human Flourishing Program, Harvard University.


12th November ‘24 [12-1pm GMT]
National Institute of Education, Singapore

Speaker details to be confirmed.


27th January ’25 [3-4pm GMT]
Virtues and Values Education Centre, Universidad Francisco de Vitoria

Verónica Fernández, Director, Virtue and Values Education Centre, UFV and Vianney Domingo, Head of Research and Leaders of Character Programs, UFV.


1st April ’25 [3-4pm GMT] 
Kern National Network for Flourishing in Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin

Speaker details to be confirmed.


6th May ’25 [3-4pm GMT] 
University of Tulsa

Jennifer A. Frey, Dean of Honors College, Professor of Philosophy, University of Tulsa.


TBC June ‘25
The University of Hong Kong

Speaker details to be confirmed.

The Flourishing Student Series 1:

Ihnatowycz Institute for Leadership
Ivey Business School
15th May 2024

Oxford Character Project
University of Oxford
29th February 2024

Principled Innovation
Arizona State University
25th January 2024

Program for Leadership and Character
Wake Forest University
29th November 2023

Jubilee Centre for Character and Virtues
University of Birmingham
13th September 2023

Other Series

Explore some of the Jubilee Centre’s older seminar and webinar series below:

Explore more events by the Jubilee Centre below: