11th February 2022Events Higher Education

On 10th and 11th February, the Jubilee Centre and the Oxford Character Project hosted a Consultation on Cultivating Character in the University: Implications for Policy and Practice’ at Ditchley Park, Oxfordshire.
The Consultation brought together stakeholders from across the Universities sector, including senior leaders, academics, university administrators, students and policy makers, to reflect upon the role of universities in the character formation and flourishing of students, staff and their own institutions. The consultation commenced with a focus on the Character Education in Universities Framework, published in 2021 by the Jubilee Centre and the Oxford Character Project. During the consultation, participants discussed and debated how the Framework might be implemented in practice, as well as its implications for a variety of concerns and practices in universities today. The consultation concluded by identifying some important next steps for theorising, researching and implementing character education in universities.