Conferences and Events 2024

July 2024

Dr. Shane McLoughlin

  • Presented a Character-based Career Decision Making Workshop at the National Institute for CAreers Education and Coaching Conference, Birmingham, Tuesday 2nd July 2024

June 2024

Professor Kristján Kristjánsson

  • Professor Kristján Kristjánsson taught a four-day intensive course at Boston College in the last week of May entitled ‘Aristotelian Insights on Education‘. Ten doctoral students at Boston College participated in the course as well as Professor Chris Higgins.

Dr Liz Gulliford

  • Dr Liz Gulliford visited Universidad Francisco de Vitoria, Madrid and delivered a lecture on ‘Artificial Intelligence and Phronesis’.

Dr. Shane McLoughlin

  • “Practical Wisdom in Professional Ethics” Online workshop, Boston College, Friday 7th June 2024
  • Presented a character-based careers education workshop, Birmingham Educational Partnership Conference, Tuesday 11th June 2024
  • Presented a workshop on virtue-led career choice, Be Future Ready Event, University of Birmingham, TUesday 18th June 2024
  • Phronesis: New Developments in Theory and Measurement” w? Professor Kristján Kristjánsson, European Character and Virtues Association Annual Conference, Rome, Wednesday 26th June 2024

May 2024

Professor Kristján Kristjánsson

  • “Ten Problems surrounding an Understanding of Intellectual Humility as a Moral Virtue” The Online Series on Philosophical and Psychological Approaches to Virtue & Value, Cardiff University, Thursday 2nd May 2024

Michael Fullard

  • Introduction Character Education in Schools” Invited presentation, Uffculme School Network, Birmingham, Friday 3rd May 2024
  • Embedding Character Education with ITE: Theory and Practice” with Julie Taylor at the Annual Teacher Education Advancement Network (TEAN) Conference, Manchester, Tuesday 22nd May 2024.

April 2024

Professor Tom Harrison and Dr. Shane McLoughlin

  • “NewsWise in Primary Education Research Project”, Online Ofcom event, April 2024 (further details)

Professor James Arthur

  • Presentation Series on the anthropology of flourishing, Harvard University and at the University of Virginia, April 2024
  • Education and Ideology“, Harvard Human Flourishing Program, April 2024

Professor Andrew Peterson

  • Global perspectives on citizens, communities and civic character in schools‘, Social and Citizenship Education Association, Australia, 20th April 2024 (further details)

Dr. Shane McLoughlin

  • Presentation on character-based careers coaching, Chichester Coaching Psychology Conference, April 26th 2024

March 2024

Professor Andrew Peterson

  • Presentation of four sessions on character education, Swiss Group of International Schools’ annual conference, Le Mont-sur-Lausanne, Switzerland. 8th- 9th March 2024

Professor Tom Harrison

  • Flourishing in the Digital Age”, public lecture, Boston College, Tuesday 12th March

Professor Kristján Kristjánsson

  • Teaching Practical Wisdom: New Developments”, invited lecture, Conference on Phronesis: Rationality and Practical Wisdom, University of Chicago, Friday 1st March
  • A Phronesis Framework: Latest Work from the Jubilee Centre”, invited lecture, A Kern National Network Convening: Transform Medicine, Millwaukee, Monday 4th March
  • Professional Phronesis in Medicine”, invited lecture, A Kern National Network Convening, Millwaukee, Tuesday 5th March
  • Teaching Phronesis: New Developments”, invited seminar presentation, Dept. of Philosophy, University of Guelph, Canada, Friday 8th March
  • Flourishing as the Aim of Education: New Developments, Criticisms, and Responses”, keynote lecture, MACE Residential, Boston, Monday 11th March
  • Phronesis: New Developments in Theory and Practice” (co-presenters Karen Bohlin and Jacquie Bryant), keynote lecture, KPCEL Convening: Artificial Intelligence and Practical Wisdom”, Boston, Wednesday 13th March
  • Flourishing as the Aim of Education: New Developments and the Relevance of Phronesis”, invited presentation, Conference on Character and Flourishing: Promoting Collaboration and Extending Impact”, Harvard Club, Friday 15th March

Dr. Liz Gulliford

  • Artificial Intelligence, Practical Wisdom, and Human Frailty” Dinner Lecture, KPCEL Convening 2024, Tuesday 12th March

Dr. Shane McLoughlin

  • “Empirical Advances in Studying Phronesis: Nationally Representative Data from Two Countries”. MA Character Education Residential, Boston, 12th March 2024
  • Insights from Large-Scale Studies of Phronesis and Emerging Technologies” KPCEL Convening 2024, Wednesday 13th March 2024

February 2024

Dr. Shane McLoughlin

“Behavioural Approaches to Understanding Morality” Chichester Experimental Analysis of Behaviour Conference, Wednesday 21st February 2024

Michael Fullard

  • Character Education Leadership in Schools”, invited presentation, Bellevue Education Trust, Wednesday 28th February
  • Introduction to Character Education in Schools”, lecture, Primary PGDipEd, University of Birmingham, Thursday 21st March

Professor James Arthur, Professor Tom Harrison

  • Workshop on character and flourishing for the leading character education centres and organisations in the US, Harvard University, USA,14th- 15th March 2024. (find out more)

January 2024

Dr. Liz Gulliford

  • Presentation on the conceptual and empirical relations between the virtues of the ‘allocentric quintet’ (compassion, forgiveness, gratitude, generosity and humility), Templeton Religion Trust Convening, 6th-8th January 2024

Professor James Arthur

  • Key note lecture on character virtues and human flourishing, annual gathering of Education Ministers in Madrid, 18th January 2024

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