The Centre has recently published three new papers as part of its Insight Series.
Deputy Director Professor Kristján Kristjánsson has published a paper on emotion education, A Theoretical Review of Ten Discourses on Emotion Education. This paper was solicited and written in 2017 for a handbook that in the end failed to materialise. It has not appeared previously in its full length. However, a much-streamlined version was published in 2018 as Chapter 9 of the book Virtuous Emotions by the author. Within the article Professor Kristjánsson subjects to critical scrutiny ten different discourses on emotion education, including Aristotelian character education, Confucianism, and Utilitarianism. The full paper is available here.
Professor Nancy Snow, Director of the Institute for the Study of Human Flourishing at the University of Oklahoma, has written the article ‘Citizens’ Relationships, Political Civility, and the Virtue of Listening’. Against the backdrop of incivility in democratic discourse, Professor Snow explores political civility, and whether and how it can be attained in contemporary political life. This article is available here.
Professor Candace Vogler, Chair of Virtue Theory at the Jubilee Centre and Professor of Philosophy at the University of Chicago, has recently authored a paper titled Phronesis. Professor Vogler’s paper examines the existing research surrounding moral dilemmas and how the Jubilee Centre’s new Phronesis conceptualisation, developed as part of the Phronesis project, may contribute to the field. The full publication is available to view here.