9th November 2022Lectures Events

Jubilee Centre Director Professor James Arthur and Professors Andrew Peterson and Kristján Kristjánsson recently completed a lecture tour of the USA.

The tour began on 26th October 2022 with Professor Kristjánsson’s invited open lecture at Boston College, Massachusetts on 'Teaching Phronesis as Part of Moral Formation'.

The three then attended the annual North Atlantic Association for Philosophy of Education conference at University of Saint Mary of the Lake (USML). They then visited Saint Mary's University of Minnesota's Minneapolis and Winona campuses, where they delivered various lectures to staff and students on developing the common good, Universities as Schools of Friendship, Academic Leadership, and The Secularization Process and Christian Universities and Thomistic Education. This visit also included an invited open conversation with Dr. Justin Anderson on 'Aristotle versus Aquinas'.

Following this on 2nd November 2022, they gave lectures at the conference “Character Formation and the Independent School' organised by the Kern Family Foundation in St. Paul, Minnesota on the place of Character Education in such schools, the Jubilee Centre's Framework For Character Education in Schools, and The Role of Flourishing and Phronesis in Neo-Aristotelian Character Education.

The tour ended with a visit St. Thomas University, St. Paul, Minnesota, on 3rd November 2022. Here the group met with, discussed, and presented on the work of the Jubilee Centre with colleagues from across the organisation and presented on why 'Aristotelian Phronesis as a Key to Professional Practice'.