16th May 2023Religion and Values

Each year, the Templeton Prize honours individuals whose exemplary achievements advance Sir John Templeton’s philanthropic vision: harnessing the power of the sciences to explore the deepest questions of the universe and humankind’s place and purpose within it. The Prize, established in 1972, was created to recognise discoveries that yielded new insights about religion, a matter that Sir John Templeton regarded with such high importance that he set the award amount above that of a Nobel Prize.

The Jubilee Centre is delighted to share that the winner of the 2023 Templeton Prize is Dr. Edna Adam Ismail. Ismail, the nurse-midwife and healthcare advocate, was selected due to her extraordinary efforts to harness the power of the sciences to affirm the dignity of women and help them to flourish physically and spiritually. She has worked courageously to change cultural, religious, and medical norms surrounding women’s health in East Africa, improving the lives of thousands of women and girls in the region and beyond. Some of her other many achievements include the founding of the Edna Adan University and Edna Adan Hospital, which has significantly reduced maternal mortality in Somaliland, and her tireless campaign to end female genital mutilation (FGM) around the world. You can read more on the Templeton Prize and its winner here.